SEX (sexual intercourse) – any act of physical interaction between the intimate parts of people with the aim of obtaining pleasure (physical and/or emotional).
The sexual act has long ceased to have reproduction as its main objective. The incessant search for pleasure (hedonism) has become absolute in human coexistence. Added to this is the fact that sexual practices that were once considered exceptional have now become commonplace.
Naturally, sex is a physiological need, that is, it is basic to keeping the body healthy. And there is no emotional relationship that can withstand the lack of sex, the exchange of affection and the search for giving and receiving pleasure.
In Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians, we have: “Each of you should know how to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in the passion of lust like the pagans who do not know God” (1 Thessalonians 4:4-5).
Therefore, what will determine whether sex is a sin or not is whether or not you have control over your sexual life.
Answer the questions below honestly... if the answer is anything other than "no", review your concept of sex and seek closer ties with God. He will strengthen your spirit and give you the strength to seek freedom and regain control of your life.
Are you addicted to sex?
Will you do anything for an orgasm?
Do you break the law to get pleasure?
Is sex the most important thing in your relationship?
Is sex damaging your health, physically or psychologically?