13 Jan

According to the news website MSN, (Antônio Cícero's statement about God before his death shined a spotlight on Atheism).
Antonio Cícero Correia Lima, a great Brazilian poet, composer and brother of singer Marina Lima, committed medically assisted suicide in Switzerland, one of the few countries that allows this practice.
The report collected testimonies, statements and opinions from several famous artists about atheism, religion, faith in God, life and death.

That said, it would make no sense at all if God did not give humans the freedom of choice. Free Will, therefore, is the individual's ability to make their own decisions and act according to their respective judgment, without the interference of external and/or superior forces of any nature. This “spiritual democracy” corroborates God’s intention and will, that is, along with freedom comes responsibility. God has the best for the world, but he will only receive those who want to receive it. And no, He will not punish anyone for not following Him... whatever happens will be a natural consequence of the choices made.

The truth is that, due to the chaos the world finds itself in, both those who believe (theists) and those who do not believe are in serious trouble. The first ones because they are unable to practice the divine essence that is love. To glimpse and live, even here on earth, the remnants of the eternal kingdom. “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. and some, being greedy for it, have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10). The biggest problem for atheists is that they believe that everything ends here, even though they don't understand, much less explain, what will happen to the spirit that inhabits their bodies: “And the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

There is no denying that there are two worlds, the material and the spiritual. This is an indisputable and absolute truth. Just as one can live two lives, it is possible to die twice. The flesh is already condemned, but the spirit can live forever: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not suffer the second death” (Revelation 2:11).

In short, if here on Earth, on the physical plane, it is easy to perceive the search, the struggles and the incessant wars waged between kings, leaders, rulers and authorities for control of the planet and absolute power, since the world began. Why imagine that the same does not happen in the spiritual world? Wasn't Lucifer expelled, along with his horde, from the kingdom of God for rebelling against his Creator?

Fábio Porchat - Comedian, actor and presenter, born in Rio de Janeiro, says he likes to read about religion, although he considers the stories to be legends, he does not believe in God and he disapproves of the involvement between religion and politics.

Answer: Yes, the stories in the Bible can be considered legends... understanding legend as part of a popular tradition and a story of a wonderful nature... the first biblical narratives were passed down from generation to generation, through community memory, since there was no writing, and they are WONDERFUL. When Jesus said “give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's” he was precisely disapproving of the relationship between religion and power. 

Angelina Jolie - The 49-year-old American actress and filmmaker stated that God exists for some people, but that she does not need that existence. And she confessed that she prefers to see what is spiritual in people and that this is the true divine.

Answer: God's children were made in His image and likeness. Seeing the spiritual side of people is looking at the Creator.

Brad Pitt - The American actor and producer stated that thinking about whether God exists or not is useless, because “we will only know when we die”. Furthermore, he does not believe in the existence of God, but he does not reject the idea either, and that he is 20% atheist and 80% agnostic.

Answer: We can conclude that one fifth of Brad Pitt denies the existence of God and the other four fifths doubt it... Jesus said that “he who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters”, Matthew 12:30. So, believing in parts has the same effect as not believing in the whole.

Malu Mader - the actress born in Rio de Janeiro claims not to believe in God. But she justifies that saying "go with God" to people symbolizes the desire for good things, not religious faith.

Answer: Doing God's will, even unconsciously, feeds and strengthens the spirit. Wishing good things for people is following His second greatest commandment - to love your neighbor as yourself.

Alinne Moraes - the actress, who turned 42 in December, believes only in herself: “I am a slave to my own creation and I do not like the pressure that religious people put on atheists”.

Answer: If God wanted to force all His children to believe in Him, there would be no Free Will. Religious people killed Jesus. By dying on the cross, Christ fulfilled His part in the new covenant made with the Father and became the only path that leads to salvation, making everything else dispensable, including those who want to “pull out the speck in their neighbor’s eye, while there is a plank in their own” (Matthew 7:4). 

God bless us!

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